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The Business Impact Analysis module is intuitive and follows best practice and International Standard requirements: BIA are integrated into the system and can be carried out at all points of the enterprise e.g. Organisational, Directorate / Business Unit and / or Service / Functional levels.

The BIA identifies Key Products and Services and their supporting activities. The activities are analysed under the organization's criteria for impact analysis i.e. the system is configurable via the BIA administration function within the system to reflect the organisation's criteria for analysis.

Critical activities are identified together with their supporting resources, dependencies and recovery requirements. This data is automatically made available to plans thereby providing the basis for plan content. Consolidated BIA data is produced in the form of pdf / word reports which can be automatically sent for review and sign off. BIA/Risk Analysis is integrated completely within the software.


The BIA is facilitated via an online wizard were responders / participants answer questions regarding their activity / service. The data is captured with the system as required by the organisation and there after available for reporting and planning purposes. Responders require no training and are generally not users of the system. Their participation is facilitated via email linking them to their specific analysis which takes on average 30 minutes to complete on the 1st pass of the BIA and 10 - 15 minutes to review thereafter (normally annually). The combined participation of the responders provides core planning data without the need for workshops / interviews and extensive proforma exercises.