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Module Overview

Internal auditing of the organisation's BCMS can be conducted via the setting of audit questions and the delivery of questions to participants in the audit via an online interface. The interface allows participants to respond to the audit and provide evidence to support their responses to the audit. The system provides an effective method of conducting audits with minimal effort and is compliant to quality management systems requirements e.g. ISO 22301.

Surveys can be executed and reported on via the system to provide assurance to management of e.g. BC capabilities, Supply Chain Analysis, Requirements Reviews etc.

Efficiency / Benefits

The system provides ability to audit the BCMS with minimal effort i.e. instead of utilising a rolling audit programme (2, 3 years) with the subsequent interviews and meetings. Audits can be carried out within a 2 / 3 week lapsed time with 3 / 4 days efforts. Audits are saved and can be reused / edited for future use thus saving on preparation time.