Published on February 23, 2022
Last updated on June 25, 2024
For many organisations, creating a business continuity plan (bcp) is a challenge. Determining critical functions, recognising potential threats, meeting regulatory requirements, and testing your bcp are only a few examples of factors firms need to consider during this process. Still, as business continuity is essential to the company's survival, it is not something that CEOs can put on hold in hopes of finding the best ways to deal with a disaster on the spot.
Continuously updating business continuity plans is also crucial, as it allows companies to implement new solutions and adjust already established operations to their current organisational contingencies and capabilities. Unfortunately, keeping business continuity management (BCM) up to date might prove to be an even more demanding task than creating a business continuity plan from scratch.
Although it is one of the hot topics in risk management, not every company is willing to evaluate and change its business continuity process. On the contrary, many organisations decide to stick to their ways of doing things, lowering the effectiveness of their disaster recovery and exposing themselves to multiple dangers as a result.
Here is a brief explanation of why more enterprises should re-evaluate and update their BCM plans.
Nowadays, the world is in constant motion. New trends arrive at a moment's notice only to become obsolete a few weeks later. Because of this, keeping the company's business continuity and disaster recovery set in stone might seem like a valid approach. However, ignoring discoveries and new processes can easily put the organisation out of the loop.
For instance, not using an effective BCM software just because it is a relatively new technology can make the enterprise miss out on numerous benefits. The latest solutions allow companies to maintain operations in the face of incidents, respond to a crisis much faster, or minimise the impact of disruption created by natural disasters.
Furthermore, a business continuity management system ensures the company adheres to the international standard for business continuity management ISO 22301. Without it, it can be problematic to follow all of the legal requirements.
A regular review of the company's recovery plan might be the best form of reputation insurance one can think of. Outdated business processes and irrelevant procedures only support the claim that the organisation's executives do not take their responsibilities seriously. On the other hand, frequent updates and regular exercises showcase that the enterprise is evolving.
Keeping the company's business continuity plan up to date can only increase organisational resilience. Conversely, searching for more information on the subject of risk management and other hot topics is a clear sign that the organisation is willing to do everything in its power to provide top-notch services even when it needs to recover from a crisis.
No one wants to follow a dull routine, primarily if it is based on an outdated document created by one person a few years ago. For this reason, organisations should test and review their BCM plans on a regular basis. Additionally, it allows them to create procedures fit for the current state of affairs and even boost the team's morale in the process.
More and more companies encourage employees to get involved in business impact analysis. This way, everyone in the organisation can be aware of the potential risks and feel like a useful member of the team.
Staff members can provide insights that may later prove invaluable when the enterprise needs to develop a new solution to a prevalent problem or create an agreement with third parties regarding maintaining the mission-critical functions. Therefore, keeping BCM plans up to date can be beneficial for employers and employees alike.
There is nothing worse than facing an unexpected event only to realise that the organisation cannot respond to it adequately. It can lead to a significant workflow disruption and prolong the time it takes the enterprise to make a full recovery. Sadly, such as situation is still a frequent occurrence in today's world.
A thorough evaluation of the business continuity plan can help businesses avoid such unpleasant surprises. When companies test their protective measures and technology regularly, they can find holes in their strategies and develop much-needed solutions to their main weaknesses.
Well-executed exercises can help the firm maintain essential functions during the event of a disruption. For example, an insurance company can determine whether top managers provide enough support for their teams when regular communication lines break down.
Only time-tested practices can ensure the business is ready to face all potential risks and emerge victoriously. Contrarily, an unreliable and outdated business continuity plan might only result in a disaster. If the company's executive board ignores or forgets about the updating process, it can be detrimental for everyone involved.
On the flip side, when organisations document their BCM plans and update them accordingly, they can avoid a large number of potential issues and maintain operations even when faced with Herculean challenges.
Overall, there is little to no reason why organisations should not update their business continuity plans. As demonstrated in today's post, they should frequently test the policies they develop and make necessary changes if they spot mistakes. The more exercises their business continuity strategies can endure, the more successful they will be when dealing with emergencies.
Furthermore, enriching an already established business continuity strategy with recent developments and discoveries can boost the team's morale and protect the company's reputation. It is an advantageous practice that every enterprise should adopt.
Keeping business solutions up to date is especially vital in today's volatile world. With new threats to avoid and opportunities to pursue, it would be foolish to keep to the old ways and completely ignore new avenues that can bring a substantial profit. While some things may never change, business continuity management is not among them.
Founder & CEO at Continuity2
With over 30 years of experience as a Business Continuity and Resilience Practitioner, Richard knows the discipline like the back of his hand, and even helped standardise BS25999 and ISO 22301. Richard also specialises in the lean implementation of Business Continuity, IT Service Continuity and Security Management Systems for over 70 organisations worldwide.
Founder & CEO at Continuity2
With over 30 years of experience as a Business Continuity and Resilience Practitioner, Richard knows the discipline like the back of his hand, and even helped standardise BS25999 and ISO 22301. Richard also specialises in the lean implementation of Business Continuity, IT Service Continuity and Security Management Systems for over 70 organisations worldwide.